EC Wallet Recovery Details

Some of our OG customers may still have the Easy Crypto wallet, here are the details of how to access the crypto.

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Written by Easy Crypto
Updated over a week ago

​How to move your coins from your Easy Crypto Wallet to another wallet
1. Copy the private key from your Easy Crypto wallet, which you can learn how to do from our guide below:

2. Paste the wallet address into the 'import key' feature on Here are the steps you need to follow to do this:

As shown above;

A) Click into settings

B) Click 'Import key'

C) Paste in your Private address

D) Click 'Import'

Ba-bam. All done πŸ™‚
​The technical details
The Easy Crypto Wallet is a JSON file encrypted with AES 256-bit CBC. It includes an array of the coins purchased, and the amount, public address, and private key for each.

Our average password entropy is 190 bits, and we use 5000 iterations of PBKDF2 with 256-bit keys to slow down any brute force attacking.

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